If you are currently breeding composite sheep and are considering using shedding rams to move towards a shedding flock you might like to consider using Prolific White rams.
It has taken somewhere between 8 and 10 years to develop but I now have a clean shedding flock carrying the Booroola gene. The gene is increasing scanning percentages by 50-60% the same as in the Multimeats. The aim has been to develop a moderate frame maternal sheep which scan over 200% at less than condition score 3 and we have achieved that.
Despite what you may read, shedding breeds are not highly fecund. They will scan around 2.2 foetuses per kg mating weight. So they will scan higher rates when fed to do so and this can be done by running a low stocking rate or supplementary feeding.
Around 300 Prolific Whites will lamb down this year so there should be a significant number of ram lambs available in December 2022. My preference is to work with selected commercial producers who are focused on productivity per hectare rather than per head performance. Rams will only be supplied directly to these producers.
The objective is to breed a moderate size (60-65 kg at CS 3) prolific ewe which can be mated to terminal rams for meat production. In my view the current trend towards breeding huge ewes will lead to inefficient production systems. The aim is a 60+ kg ewe scanning at 200%, weaning 160% + lambs mated to an Ultrawhite or White Suffolk ram to achieve maximum growth.
Around 300 Prolific Whites will lamb down this year so there should be a significant number of ram lambs available in December 2022. My preference is to work with selected commercial producers who are focused on productivity per hectare rather than per head performance. Rams will only be supplied directly to these producers.
The objective is to breed a moderate size (60-65 kg at CS 3) prolific ewe which can be mated to terminal rams for meat production. In my view the current trend towards breeding huge ewes will lead to inefficient production systems. The aim is a 60+ kg ewe scanning at 200%, weaning 160% + lambs mated to an Ultrawhite or White Suffolk ram to achieve maximum growth.
I should mention that I have also bred Dorpers, that is the blackheads with the gene. They are not as clean shedding as the whites at this stage but getting close.
If you are thinking of moving to shedding sheep by crossing your composites to shedders then the Prolific Whites should enable you to quit shearing after 2-3 crosses and also achieve an increase in scanning rate of 50-60% while doing it.
For an extra $200 I can supply them with an eartag colour of your choice.
My aim is to work with selected commercial breeders with a similar view about sheep production systems. If you are of a similar mindset then I am keen to talk with you anytime on 0428647457 or at earl.kerami@bigpond.com. More information can be found on the Prolific White website.
Regards Colin